Monday, December 19, 2022

How do I prepare for NEET Chemistry?

 Amidst vast syllabus, approximately 1000 concepts and limited time, most aspirants devote their maximum time in either solving Physics questions or doing Biology chapters and overlook the equal importance of Chemistry in NEET exam. As a result of which, they often encounter challenges in solving questions in this subject which lead to low scores in the exam. Before this disinterest costs you, understand the importance of Chemistry in your preparation and learn what’s important and what’s not so important.


For doing the complete preparation in Chemistry, take first steps with basics and detailed information.

Chemistry is divided in 3 forms for NEET preparation

a) Physical Chemistry
b) Organic Chemistry
c) Inorganic Chemistry

Physical Chemistry

In comparison to other sections, Physical Chemistry contains more variations and theory based questions for numerical, which is not tough from the perspective of conceptual part. So, acquire the right approach and switch to the right set of books. Here’s the list of important chapters to cover –

i) Basic Concepts
• Limiting Reagent
• Mole concept
• Empirical formula
• Terms of concentration

ii) Structure of atom
• Model of atoms – Bohr’s
• De Broglie hypothesis
• Quantum numbers
• Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

iii) States of Matter : Gases & Liquids
• Gas Laws
• Ideal Gas Equation
• Density formula
• Unit cells & lattices
• Intermolecular forces – Van Der Waals Gas Equation
• Packing fractions & ranks

iv) Equilibrium
• Buffer solutions
• Properties
• pH Scale
• Ions
• Equilibrium constants & laws
• Factors affecting Equilibria – Le Ch atelier’s principle

v) Thermodynamics
• Summation
• All laws of thermodynamics
• Gibbs Energy & Spontaneity
• Hess’s Law of Constant Heat
• Entropy & Spontaneity

vi) Solutions
• Vapour pressure
• Osmosis & Osmotic Pressure
• Raoult’s law, Van’t Hoff factor
• Colligative Properties & Determination of Molar Mass

vii) Redox reactions
• All types of redox reactions

viii) Chemical Kinetics
• First order reaction
• Half life of a reaction
• Order of a reaction
• Rate law
• Molecularity of a reaction
• Temperature Dependence of the Rate of a Reaction

ix) Surface Chemistry
• Emulsions
• Adsorption Isotherms
• Colloids
• Catalysis
• Properties of Colloidal Solutions – Tyndall Effect

Organic Chemistry

Where most of the NEET aspirants consider this section tough, there this’s one of the most imperative and scoring sections in NEET exam. If you understand it well, you can score well. Therefore, begin with essential chapters included in this section.

i) Hydrocarbons Alkanes Alkenes & Alkynes
ii) Classification & Nomenclature
iii) Isomerism
iv) General Organic Chemistry
v) Practical & Environmental Chemistry
vi) Biomolecules
vii) Haloarenes & Phenols
viii) Chemistry in action
ix) Alcohol & Ether
x) Carbonyl compounds
xi) Carboxylic acid & its derivatives
xii) Biomolecules & Polymers
xiii) Haloalkanes
xiv) Nitrogen containing compounds
xv) Nitrogen compound & aliphatic amines

Now, some helpful tips to study Organic Chemistry in a result oriented way

a) Emphasis on understanding, rather than memorizing: - First thing you need to do to be master in OC is to understand the chapters. Without doing so, it’s worthless to memorize because you will lack the basic knowledge.  

b) Reactions are important. So, practice: - Many students complain about their failed efforts to memorize the reactions. Whereas, it is not like that. For learning the reactions, focus on understanding them and do the constant practice.
Inorganic Chemistry

Unlike Physical Chemistry & Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry is more about concepts, reasoning and facts and constitutes chemical reactions, periodic table, s, p, d and f block elements, Coordination chemistry and chemical equilibrium. For doing full proof preparation, prepare a chart containing complete details about formulas and chemical reactions and revise every day. Along with this, keep solving questions from each chapter and do constant learning.  

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